Original Paintings

Paintings displayed in this gallery are available for sale.
When you purchase a painting at www.vrindavanart.com you are buying an original artwork direct from Vrindavan Das’s art studio. Purchasing original artwork in this manner is beneficial to both the art collector and to the artist. You can be sure that the entire purchase price of the original artwork goes to the artist. Prices are also more reasonable due to eliminating the middle-man fees in the process. All paintings, which are exhibited on this website are original and unique in composition. These paintings are not a copy of other artists.
Paintings are packaged safely and securely in a durable tube and shipped to you via DHL express company all around the world. If you have already chosen the painting and decided to purchase or interested in pricing information, please, contact me on the contact page. Your letter will be received directly on my e-mail.
If you would like to commission a painting of a particular scene or idea, you are welcome to write to me on the contact page. I just need description of the topic and size of the painting you would like to have.
Orders are pending on acceptance of the topic/idea. In the case that I do not like the idea, I am free to not accept the order. Please note that I do not take orders to do copies of other artists’ work.
Your contribution in form of purchasing original sacred-art paintings is beneficial for your house and relatives by the painting being displayed in your home. Sacred-art paintings give a nice vibration and provide a good visual experience about the spiritual realm.